
October 2009 Customer of the Month

A big Mahalo to Extended Horizons scuba diving for their commitment to sustainable, locally produced biodiesel! Owner Erik Stein made the decision to become fossil-fuel free in 2006 and is [...]

Pacific Biodiesel setting the Pace on Maui

By Harry Eagar The Maui News KAHULUI—Take a bow, Maui! You generate way more waste grease than other places. Per capita, four times as much — contributing to the success [...]

Kelly King’s Column on Sustainability

Below is a link to a column featured in the November issue of Biodiesel Magazine written by the Vice President of Pacific Biodiesel, Kelly King. The column promotes the importance [...]

SBA hammers out industry standards

The Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance has released a draft of their sustainability standards for biodiesel production. Below is a link to an article in the November issue of Biodiesel Magazine about [...]

New B20 location in Honolulu

Fuel produced by Pacific Biodiesel is now available in a B20 blend at a new location in Honolulu: Burt’s Service 1342 North School Street Honolulu, HI 96817 (808) 841-6711

Two new B20 locations on Oahu

Renewable fuel produced by Pacific Biodiesel is now available in a B20 blend at two new locations around Honolulu: Kalihi Burt’s Service 1342 North School Street Honolulu, HI 96817 (808) [...]

Restaurants for Renewables program launched!

Ever wondered if your favorite restaurant is responsible with their waste products? Now you can find out which restaurants recycle their cooking oil with Pacific Biodiesel, which allows us to [...]

Biodiesel Myths:BUSTED

Click the link below to check out the informative AFVi article “Biodiesel Myths: BUSTED” Biodiesel Myths:BUSTED

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