Advanced Biodiesel is an Irreplicable Piece of Hawaii’s Firm Renewable Energy Portfolio
For concerned citizens of our island state, it’s critically important to stay updated on the issues that affect our environment, promote a circular economy, and support our ability to meet Hawaii’s renewable energy goals in a responsible and effective manner. We believe that Pacific Biodiesel’s community-based model of “agriculture and energy” demonstrates a full-circle system of sustainability and climate change solutions designed to help Hawaii achieve a clean, sustainable energy future. To assist you in supporting our mission, we’ve outlined our legislative goals and some key points below.
FIRM RENEWABLE ENERGY: With 20 years remaining to reach the mandate that 100% of Hawaii’s electricity will be generated from renewable energy sources by 2045, Hawaii must update the renewable fuels local production tax credit with a 20-year plan to ensure that our state’s firm energy needs can be met.
- All Renewable Energy proposals must compare “Life Cycle” emissions that include the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted throughout a product’s existence including its production, use, and disposal. Tailpipe emissions are included in life cycle emissions as are battery manufacturing, recycling, and disposal.
- Maintain locally produced Advanced Biodiesel as part of Hawaii’s renewable energy portfolio for transportation and electric utility power by updating the renewable fuels production tax credit.
- Incentivize Advanced Biodiesel to immediately reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector for replacement of fossil diesel.
- Expand existing requirements to recycle Used Cooking Oil (UCO) for Advanced Biodiesel production, significantly reduce dumping waste in our landfills.
- Incentivize the regenerative farming of oilseed cover crops in local agriculture to increase local feedstock for Advanced Biodiesel while restoring agricultural soil quality.
ADVANCED BIODIESEL: Advanced Biodiesel is a 2nd generation biofuel made from recycled waste products like Used Cooking Oil (UCO) and agricultural cover crops.
- Hawaii restaurants and food service companies create millions of gallons of Used Cooking Oil (UCO) each year. They can either dump this waste product in our overflowing landfills or recycle it.
- For every gallon of UCO recycled, nearly one gallon of Advanced Biodiesel is produced.
- Recycling UCO to make Advanced Biodiesel creates high paying local jobs, supports local energy security, protects our environment and diversifies our economy.
TRANSPORTATION SECTOR: Hawaii needs electric cars and Advanced Biodiesel trucks, buses, and boats.
- An electric grid powered by renewable energy, like Advanced Biodiesel, reduces the carbon footprint of electric vehicles (EVs) that depend on electricity for charging.
- Existing electric vehicle technology for large trucks, buses, boats, or airplanes is extremely expensive, not widely available and lacks the same payload as diesel engines. The added costs for EV technology would be passed on to consumers in even higher prices for shipping which results in higher prices for products.
- As Hawaii embraces electric vehicles, it is important to recognize that a large proportion of our transportation infrastructure will remain dependent on traditional fossil fuels, leading to an electrification gap. Advanced biofuels can help to fill that gap and bring immediate greenhouse gas reductions for the hard-to-electrify sectors – like aviation, large trucks, buses, and boats.
- For major polluters in the transportation sector, the local choice is petroleum diesel (a fossil fuel) or renewable Advanced Biodiesel (not a fossil fuel). Where needed, Hawaii should use readily available Advanced Biodiesel because it reduces harmful emissions by 86% compared to petroleum diesel.
ELECTRIC UTILITIES: Solar, wind, and Advanced Biodiesel work together to help Hawaii achieve its 100% renewable energy mandate by 2045.
- Advanced Biodiesel is an irreplaceable piece of Hawaii’s renewable energy portfolio. Pacific Biodiesel annually produces 6 million gallons of Advanced Biodiesel, equal to more than 220 MWh Per Day of 100% renewable energy for Hawaii.
- Advanced Biodiesel is safer to store and handle compared to petroleum diesel fuel. It is non-toxic, biodegradable, eliminates risk from environmentally hazardous fossil fuel spills, and is rated non-flammable.
- Locally made Advanced Biodiesel supports Hawaii’s energy security, reduces our reliance on imported fossil fuel, and supports Hawaii’s circular economy goals.