In this issue:

Attendees waive the signature blooms as the Licorice Pizza All Star Band jams at the 2024 Sunflower Farm Music Fest.

  • A Mid-Year Recap – Report from Pacific Biodiesel Co-founder Kelly King
  • HPR’s The Conversation Interviews Kelly King
  • Pacific Biodiesel Once Again Named One of Hawaii’s Best Places to Work
  • 2024 Sunflower Farm Music Festival Raises Funds for Food Sovereignty Non-Profits
  • Pacific Biodiesel Presents “Excellence in Sustainability Award” to Fork & Salad
  • Kōkua Hawaii Foundation’s Farm to Table Dinner Features Maiden Hawaii Naturals Culinary Oils
  • Sunflower Farm Tours for Maui Restaurants
  • Oahu Biodiesel Station Opens for Business
  • Pacific Biodiesel’s Sand Island Employees Receive Safety Training
  • Community and Industry Outreach
  • Industry News Roundup

Read the full newsletter below.