Jeff Mikulina has been named as the first Pacific Biodiesel Environmental Champion of 2012.
Jeff’s commitment to the environment is a lifestyle. From his professional endeavors to his personal goals, Jeff strives to reduce his impact on the environment and help build a more sustainable future for our posterity.
His personal life mirrors his professional as he explains in his own words, “I try to do my best to minimize my impact–energy, water, waste–in all aspects of my life. I drive a Jetta on 100% biodiesel (Pacific Biodiesel, of course), but I also try to bike when I can. I eat fairly low on the food chain (although not completely vegetarian). I try to buy organic, both food and clothes, where possible. And I try to support companies who are progressive in terms of sustainability.”
In his current role as Executive Director of the Blue Planet Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is to end the use of fossil fuels on Earth, many have recognized his leadership. In 2010 he was honored as one of the “20 for the Next 20” by Hawaii Business Magazine.
One of his accomplishments was advocating at the legislature to set a cap on Hawaii greenhouse gas emissions. This bill was enacted into law, as well as numerous other sustainability and clean energy laws he advocated, including policies that require that all new homes use solar water heaters, establish returnable deposits on all beverage containers, provide incentives for renewable energy use, and increase the funding of natural resources through tourism taxes.
Jeff is an Environmental Champion and we anticipate great things to come from his efforts and influence. Thank you for your efforts Jeff!